Important Notes:

  1. To reset a camera press the reset button for 8 seconds
  2. If you change a password on one of the cameras then ensure that you also change the password for this camera in any tool you are accessing it with. This includes the Burg IP tool and an NVR (clicking the edit icon on the camera registration screen).
  3. If you are using standalone cameras with no recorder (referred to as NVR in this booklet) please note they will require SD cards for storage as they do not built in storage.
  4. If you are using WiFi connections then ensure you set up an auto reboot function to refresh and maintain the connection over the network. WiFi signal can drop out on any device if not refreshed.
  5. If you are using an NVR with WiFi cameras then proceed through the quick start guide to connect your cameras to your router then add in the NVR. You can then either do your advanced settings through each camera individually or on the recorder by channel number.
  6. If you are using an NVR then we recommend either setting the cameras to record on motion only (not 24/7) or hardwire the cameras with a small switch or use a dedicated router for the cameras and connect the second router back to the main router for internet access. This is because although recording to the NVR over WiFi does not use your internet it does use your available WiFi bandwidth which would mean other WiFi devices may slow down. Using a dedicated router stops this as they have their own network. Wiring them also means they are not using WiFi and so removes this issue too.


Please configure the camera before mounting.

The BURGcam Zoom has WiFi disabled by default so move to option 2.

Option 1 WLAN via WPS and smartphone:

This connection may fail depending on your Wi-Fi router and security settings, if so then proceed to option 2 initially

Note: After connecting via WLAN move to advanced set up to configure recording options – by default the camera will record on motion detection only.

  1. Insert the SD card into the SD card slot as shown above.
  2. Connect the camera power supply, extensions can be purchased from Amazon (product link in the downloads section).
  3. Activate WPS on your router, usually a button with the icon below. If you are unsure just google your router model and how to use WPS.

WPS router icon.

  1. Press the WPS/Reset button for 2 second on the camera, the LED should fast blink green now. (Do not hold this button too long as it will trigger a reset after 8 seconds).
    1. Bullet – Under the cover next to the SD card slot.
    2. Dome/Zoom – Remove case, next to power indicator LED.
    3. Indoor Smart – On the back of the camera leg.
  2. Wait for the green light on the camera to change to solid green, the now connected to the router.

If the WPS connection does not work then please move to option 2.

Next we will connect the camera to the app and into the WiFi network.

  1. Download the BURGCam app from the app store on your iPhone or Android device.
  2. Connect you mobile phone to your Wi-Fi network.
  3. Open the BURGCam app and open the side menu select add device:
  4. Type a name for the device.
  5. Click the QR code icon and scan the devices QR code on the bottom of the dome/zoom model and side of the bullet. Or manually enter the device serial number. These are found under the dome or on the side of the bullet.
  6. Default username and password are correct if they have not yet been changed manually.

User name:                  admin

Password:                     9999

  1. Click Next.
  2. Enter the WIFI password.
  3. Click next and wait for connection.


Option 2 LAN connection via laptop or PC

  1. Insert the camera SD card in the slot shown at the top of the page.
  2. Connect a LAN (Ethernet) cable between your camera and your router and the power supply to the camera.
  3. Connect your PC to the WiFi you want the camera to be on.
  4. Insert the disk from the camera package and install the BURG IP CONFIG TOOL 2.0.16. This tool can also be found online at in the video surveillance section.
  5. In the tool you should see your camera, if not then click refresh (1). Try this a few times until your camera appears as it may still be booting up

Note: If your camera still does not appear then please refer to the troubleshooting section as you may have a static IP then come back to this point.

  1. Click the internet icon next to your camera to open the browser window (5).

Note: if your default browser is edge or chrome then you may not get full functionality. Please refer to the troubleshooting guide to change this.


  1. In the browser window enter your username (admin) and password (9999)
  2. Now go to Setting > Network > WIFI > WIFI
    1. Tick enable then refresh
    2. Select your WiFi router (double click) and enter the password.
  1. You can now remove the LAN cable from the camera.
    1. Re-open the IP Config Tool and check the IP address as it will change to a new wireless IP when the cable is removed then log into the browser window again.
  2. You can now add the camera to the app if you haven’t already – do this using P2P:
  3. Open the app and press device manager
  4. At the top of the screen press the + icon
  5. Select P2P
  6. Enter a name and scan the QR code or enter the serial number manually.

Now choose your camera settings in the next section


Your camera is now connected to your WiFi so we will now configure it.

Open Internet Explorer and enter your camera IP address into the address bar. If you do not know the IP address then open the Burg IP config tool from the disc in your camera box. If you do not have a disc drive you can download the IP config tool from our website under the video surveillance section.

In the IP config tool you will see your camera and its details. Click the Internet icon to go to the browser screen mentioned above.

Note: if your default browser is edge or chrome then you may not get full functionality. Please refer to the troubleshooting guide to change this.

Next configure the camera time in settings, system, general, date and time

Reboots can be configured in the auto maintain subsection, this refreshes the camera WiFi connection and prevents drop outs.

In account you will be able to change passwords and access rights for different users and also add new users if required.




Now you must decide on your preferred recording settings, motion detection, always recording or only recording when requested.


  1. Go to Setup > Event > Video Detection:
  2. Click enable.
  3. Click setup next to working period and set a working period for motion detection or select all when in that screen.
  4. Anti-Dither this is the time allowed after motion stops before more motion is classified as a new event. Within this time frame will be one event.
  5. Area setup can set the camera to only look for motion is certain parts of its viewing angle but will record the whole screen. The area marked with the lines is that which will be considered for motion detection. Unmarked area will not trigger.
  6. Record delay –Amount of time a recording will continue after motion.
  7. Send email and snapshot set the camera to alert the user when events are detected (see next section to configure email).
  8. Check Storage > Destination and check this is set to Local if you are using an SD card or whatever your choice of storage is.


  1. Go to Storage > Record Control
  2. Recording modes:
    1. Auto – Runs from motion detection, alarms or manual input.
    2. Manual – Records from when you press record until you press stop, this can be 24/7. Not advised if recording over your main WiFi network to a recorder or FTP server, fine for SD card.
    3. Off – Snapshots only, no recording

Note: If you are recording to a recorder, NAS or FTP server over your main home WiFi then you may wish to set pre-event record to 0. If it is not 0 then it will be constant recording and overwriting a 5 second clip until it gets an alert to record fully. This will take up your WiFi bandwidth if you have multiple cameras. This is okay for SD cards as it records locally not over the network.


Once the cameras are configured you can connect them to the  app by P2P.

  1. Go to device manager and click the camera name you just created.
  2. Click the delete icon.
  3. Now click the + icon again to add the device but this time choose P2P.
  4. Enter a name Scan the device QR code or type the serial number



If you are not using the app then please skip this section.

Once your cameras are configured in the device manager screen you can add the cameras to your live view:

  1. Open the Live Preview screen.
  2. Select the number of windows you require.
  3. Click the + symbol on each window to add each camera.
  4. Click the star icon to save this as a favourite view.
  5. Go to alarm manager.
  6. Select your camera.
  7. Enable push for your chosen settings (motion detection etc.)

You can now mount your camera as per the mounting section or set more advanced settings.



Enter the web browser interface using the camera IP address as above.

Go to Setup > Network > SMTP (Email).

  1. Create an email account for the camera to use.
  2. Search the account providers SMTP settings.
  3. Fill out the form in the camera SMTP screen.
    1. SMTP Server, the address of the email provider for the camera account.
      1. (e.g
    2. Port, the SMTP (TLS) port given by the provider.
      1. (e.g Gmail SMTP TSL – 587)
    3. Name – the email address of the account for the camera.
    4. Password – the password that the account for the camera.
    5. Sender – the email address of the camera again.
    6. Set authentication to TLS.
    7. Set message title (e.g. CAMERA ALERT).
    8. Mail receiver – enter email addresses you want alerts to go to and press the + icon.
    9. To remove a receiver, select them in the list and click –.
    10. Interval – Set a minimum gap between events that will get another alert.




Camera > Condition settings:

Conditions tab, here you can change:

  • Standard display settings including brightness and contract
  • Day & Night settings:
    • Auto, always black & white or colour.
    • Sensitivity to light changes.
    • Delay to prevent change to night if sensor is only covered temporarily.
  • BLC Mode, if looking into a bright zone BLC settings allow a clear image still.
  • Mirror, flip the view horizontally.
  • Flip, flips the view vertically if the camera is upside down.
  • 3DNR, reduces interference if in a signal hot zone.

Profile Management tab allows multiple profiles to be created and scheduled to activate at certain times to give the best image quality at each time.

Camera > Video Settings:

Video tab:

  • Set encoding and resolution for main and sub stream.

Snapshot tab:

  • Change settings on image snapshot quality.

Overlay tab:

  • Privacy masking covers an area from the camera if privacy is required.
  • Titles can change overlay view on live and playback streams.

Path tab:

  • Change saving locations for recordings and snapshots.

Network > TCP IP Settings:

TCP/IP tab:

  • Hostname, change name of the camera on network.
  • Ethernet card, set o wire or wireless to suit your needs.
  • Mode, change to set static IP if required.

P2P tab

  • Gives any information on pairing if required and contains QR code if camera is out of reach.

Network >SMTP Settings

  • Set up email alerts as detailed in earlier section

Network > UPnP

  • Universal plug n play, if enabled this will allow access for any additional networks to view the device feed and recorded data – Not recommended

Network > WiFi

  • As detailed in quick start this can be used as an alternative way to set up the camera

Event > Video Detect

Motion Detect tab for setting up motion detection as covered earlier.

Video Tamper tab

  • Enable, alerts via app and NVR (If used) if tampering is detected.
  • Working period, set this active only at certain times or all the time if required.

Event > Abnormality:

SD Card tab

  • Set alerts via app and email for SD card removed, SD card error or full SD card.

Network tab

  • Enable alerts for network disconnection or IP address conflict.

Illegal Access tab

  • Set alerts when somebody fails log in a set number of times.

Storage > Schedule

  • Schedule recording and snapshots for certain times of the day.

Storage > Destination

Path tab

  • Select where files are saved, these are configured on other tabs

Local – SD card

FTP – Remote server accessed through network

NAS – NVR if connected either by cable or wireless

Storage > Record Control

  • Pack duration – length of recording upon motion or event detection
  • Pre-event Record – time to record prior to event detection
  • Disk full – Overwrite or stop recording when memory is full
  • Record Mode – automatic on events or schedule or only manual
  • Record Stream – Set to record from main live stream or sub stream to save memory.


PTZ Settings:

Setup > PTZ > Function

  1. Preset – here set the camera to a PTZ point and add it as a location, up to 300 locations can be saved.
  2. Tour – Set up an order of viewing for the preset angles.
  3. Scan – Set the camera to run on scan mode, set the left and right limits of the scan
  4. PTZ Speed – set the speed of the camera movement
  5. Idle Motion, set the camera to start tour, scan or a specific preset when in idle mode (no current motion detected or events)
  6. Power up – set scan or tour on power up of the camera

Face Detection:

  1. Set up your face zoom range
    1. Setup > PTZ > Function
    2. Zoom into required distance (depends on range from desired location
    3. Add a preset name this FaceZoom and click save icon
    4. Click the save icon
    5. Zoom out halfway
    6. Add preset and name Zoom- and click save icon
  1. Event > Profile IVA > Smart plan
    1. Select add plan and choose your second setup you just made.
    2. Click IVS then click Face Detection
  1. Event > Profile IVA > Face Detection
    1. Click enable, PTZ and snapshot.
    2. Next to PTZ set activation to preset 1 (your zoomed setting)
    3. Save

Trip Wire Alert, Intrusion Alarms & Missing or Abandoned Objects:

Trip wire – when a body crosses the line in a chosen direction.

Intrusion – when a body enters a boxed region.

Missing/abandoned objects – If an object is added or removed from a region.

  1. Create your Preset PTZ location as above
  2. Event > Profile IVA > Smart Plan
  3. Select which preset you want to trip wire to run on ensure IVS is highlighted not face detection
  4. Click Save
  5. Event > Profile IVA > IVS
  6. Choose your preset from the drop list then click the small + icon as below to set a rule
  7. Next select your rule and click draw rule
  8. Draw your trip wire and set a direction or encircle a region for intrusion/object settings.
  9. Set your desired alerts and periods for when this should be active and click save.


Configuration can be done either through each individual camera as above to record to the SD cards or through the NVR directly as here. By default the NVR will record 24/7 on all channels, this will however use your hard drive faster and also your WiFi bandwidth if cameras are connected over WiFi. If you want 24/7 recording we recommend either use a dedicated router which is also linked to your main router or use LAN cable set up rather than WiFi. Your internet data will only be used when viewing the camera through the app not when they are just recording.

First some points to note:

  • The REC (Network Video Recorder) uses your home router to communicate with the cameras, this can be wireless or by connecting them with a cable.
  • Wireless connections use bandwidth and depending on your router and number of cameras may affect the speed of your home WiFi, but only when recording or streaming. For smaller systems of up to 3 cameras the effect will be negligible.
  • For systems of 4 or more cameras, we recommend either:
    • Setting the system to record only on motion detection and alerts.
    • OR, use LAN cables to connect to cameras to the router for 24/7 recording.
    • OR, install a second router dedicated to the WiFi connection of the cameras.

Initial Set Up

  • If you purchased a separate hard drive then you will need to insert this first, the cable connectors are supplied in the box.
    • If you get a repeated buzzer then you have no hard drive.
  • Connect the LAN cable from the NVR into your home router (or a switch if you are using one).
  • Connect your cameras to the same network as per the above sections either by WiFi or LAN cable in the switch/router.
  • Initial recorder configuration will be guided by the setup wizard through the following stages:
    • Security: You will be required to set a password at least.
    • Time settings: can be manual or NTP (recommended) this will also push the time through to your cameras
    • IP network settings: should be auto from your router but you can change them in the wizard if required.
    • P2P: In the P2P screen you can P2P from the app to the NVR giving you access from your mobile from anywhere by scanning in the QR code on the BURGCam app.
    • Cameras: Once your cameras are either connected to your WiFi using WPS or the app or they are wired into the network through your router or a switch, clicking IP search in the camera registration screen will show them, tick their box and click add.
    • Encode: Here you can set your preferred image settings for each camera, first for the video and also for snapshot and set an image overlay if required.
    • HDD Settings: Set here if you wish the NVR to overwrite or stop recording when the disk is full.
    • Schedule: Here you set how and when the cameras should record. Regular will record constant (this uses your bandwidth if on WiFi) MD is motion detection (you will then also need to configure MD on each channel, covered below). Alarm records on triggers and Intel records from IVA settings

Changing Recording Schedules

By default now your system will be set to record 24/7. This is good for LAN cable systems or when using a dedicated router but not recommended on WiFi using the home router due to bandwidth usage.

If you wish to change this you can there are several options to trigger recordings, go to Settings > Storage > Schedule. Here you can set the four options:

  • Regular – This is constant recording, 24/7 by default but can also be used to schedule set recording times.
  • MD – Motion detection (MD also needs to be activated as described below)
  • Alarm – Recording triggered by alarm inputs – these inputs will be connected into the back of the REC (green block) but will be configured through separate alarm systems.
  • Intel – Video Analytics Triggers (BURGcam Zoom Only) -Triggered by IVS events such as face detection, tripwires and alarm zones.

All of these can be configured individually for each channel and at different times to create a plan. For example you may want motion detection during the day to save your WiFi bandwidth but constant recording at night as you are not using WiFi for any others devices at that time.

If you choose motion detection you must also configure it and set its active time as below

Setting up Motion Detection:

This is done by channel in the NVR.

  1. Right click to open the main menu and select Event (Setting).
  2. Select video detect.
  3. In the motion detect menu now select the channel.
  4. Tick ‘Enable MD’ and ‘Set’ next to ‘region’
    1. The red area is for MD, motion in the none red will be ignored.
  5. Click ‘Set’ next to ‘Period to set when you want MD to operate.
  6. Click apply.
  7. Do the same for any other channels.

From this menu you can also set up video loss SD card recording, tampering alarms and recording and abnormalities such as full or missing hard drives, loss of signal etc.

Set Channel Types:

  1. Go to the main menu and select camera.
  2. Select channel type from the left menu.
  3. You have the options of IP (default) or Analogue with various types of analogue in there.
  4. Set your choices and click okay, the NVR will restart

Adding a camera:


  1. Analogue cameras will connect automatically on channels set to analogue.

Wired IP:

  1. Wired IP cameras will add in automatically (up to 4 cameras) on the channels set for IP.


  1. Either right click on the screen and select camera registration or go through the main menu to camera.
  2. Ensure you cameras are connected to the WiFi network through the guide above.
  3. Click IP search, any IP cameras on the network will show here including any wired in already.
  4. Select the box for the camera you want and click add.


Changing Default Web Browser:

  1. Open the start menu and type default programs.
  2. Open this and change your web browser default.

Cannot Find Camera in IP Tool when connected by LAN:

  1. Advanced users may have static IP set on your PC card, if so change this to DHCP then click the globe icon in the config tool and ensure only ‘current segment search’ is ticked.
  2. Or if you know your IP addresses your router uses you can search that specific segment in the config tool using the globe icon.

Cannot Find Camera in IP Tool when connected by WiFi:

  1. You have connected your camera to your WiFi router through WPS and the app but cannot see it in the config tool, open the command window on your PC and type ipconfig.
  2. Now find your ‘Wireless LAN adapter WiFi in the list and note the IPv4 address.
  3. In the IP Config tool now click the globe icon and select other segment search. Your cameras will be on the same segment as your PC from the WiFi router so start IP should be XXX.XXX.X.1 and end IP should be XXX.XXX.X.220 (X will be the same as your WiFi IP).

Changing PC IP address:

The PC must be on the same ‘subnet’ as the cameras to allow you to log in through the web browser.

  1. Open the control panel.
  2. Select Network and Internet  then Network and Sharing Centre.
  3. On the left select change adapter settings.
  4. Now right click your adapter and select properties. If you are connected by LAN it will be the Ethernet adapter, If you are connected by WiFi then the WiFi adapter.
  5. Double click Internet Protocol Version 4.
  6. Here you can type the IP address you want, this should be the same first three sections as your cameras and REC then different at the end.