Locking up for Winter

Winter is fast approaching and unfortunately it seems as though BBQ and garden party season is firmly behind us for this year. Did you know that the average price of BBQ equipment is around £150. Lawn mowers, strimmers, and patio furniture can also be a costly investment.

Now is the time of year when most are sadly packing away the garden equipment until next Summer. Whilst out it would also be an ideal time to cast an eye over the security of your garden. We recommend you check, maintain or upgrade:

  • Hasps & staples
  • Padlocks
  • Garage door handles
  • Sash window/door jammers

Expensive items stored away in your garage or shed can also be secured internally with a security cable and ground or wall anchor.

For the ultimate protection why not consider a BURGprotect alarm? Wireless and easily self-installed and viewable via your Smartphone.

At Burg-Wächter we can’t promise to bring you the sunshine back any quicker, be we can promise to keep your valued items safe until they are needed again. Let BW watch over your castle, your home.

If you have any questions or problems please feel free to contact us: Tel: 01274 395333 or Email: ukcs@old.burg.biz