Duke of York Gardens and Riverfront Litter pick and clean up

Supported by the Secure Communities Scheme from Burg-Wächter, on Saturday 14th March locals from all around Grimsby and Cleethorpes are gathering in the Duke of York Gardens to banish the plastic and blitz the litter from the park and riverside. This will be the 10th annual litter pick.

Not only does this improve the look of the park, but it also makes it a safer place for wildlife and a more pleasant environment for visitors. Over the years and through the determination of locals, the park and riverside have started to look more loved and wanted. A wildflower fundraiser has made over £700 pounds and this money will be spent reseeding the river bank with native plants. This will bring more colour to the river bank and ensure that insects and birds have a place to hide and an extra source of food to enjoy. The event also provides the occasion to celebrate the receipt of Grimsby’s GIB Solutions CIC of a Secure Communities Award from Burg-Wächter.

Organiser Elaine Atkinson commented.  “Over the years it has been noticeable that the number of larger items of rubbish both in the river area and around the park has decreased thanks to the quarterly clean ups.  However, smaller items continue to accumulate which is why these litter picks play such an important role in making the area a better place to work live and play.  Everyone is welcome to join us in what is always a satisfying and enjoyable day!”

More information on the awards can be found at www.burg.biz/uk/community/

More information on GIB Solutions CIC are available from gibsolutionscic@gmail.com